
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Femininity: What Pretty Eyebrows You Have

So part of this blog is focusing on how to's. Short, step - by - step guides on how ladies do it. My friend Nicole needed help restructuring her eyebrows. So I offered up my knowledge on the subject. 
Over the past 100 years popular shapes of eyebrows have changed. In the 1920's when short hair and short dresses became the style, girls also started making their brows pencil thin.

The "It Girl" flapper, Clara Bow, famously wore thinly shaped eyebrows. 

Eyebrows eventually began thickening back up for a more naturally shaped look. 

My favorite actress, Audrey Hepburn, 
had beautiful, thicker eyebrows.

 In the 80's, not only did women tease and over hairspray their perms, some also brushed their eyebrows up and hair sprayed them as well. 

How unfortunate that that style didn't last. ;)

When I was younger and had just started playing around with being a woman, I looked at pictures of movie stars, studying their makeup and and hair styles. I also looked at their eyebrows. At the time I didn't get the concept that you have to own your shape. I don't have naturally pencil thin eyebrows so I shouldn't try shaping them that way. If you follow your natural shape it rounds out your features and ends up being a lot less maintenance. 

So here's the step - by - step process to creating your perfect eyebrows. :)

First of all, use tweezers, there is less of a chance you'll make a mistake. It is okay to use wax in the center, if you need to. 

 The shape of any eyebrow should hit 3 points: Use a brush to get an even line - 
1. Line up with the edge of your nose and inside of your eye. 

2. The arch of your brow should line up with the pupil of your eye and your nose.

3. The outer edge of your brow should line up with the outside of your eye and nose.

Now, you can stop here, or if you want a little more depth or fullness you can fill in with an eyebrow pencil or powder. Most drug store cosmetic lines carry them, finding your shade is usually the most difficult part. But, similar to foundations and lipsticks, you may have to try a couple until you get the perfect one. I prefer powder, it's easier for me to work with.

Use the color closest to your brow, even mixing if you have to. Make light, short, "hair-like" strokes along your brow.

Then take a highlighting shadow and apply it right underneath your brow.

Eyebrow hairs do have a tendency to move out of place sometimes and the powder may wear as the day goes. A wax type pencil is good to have on hand.

To prevent your eyebrows actually looking waxy, 
take your eyebrow brush and re-lift the hairs so they're not stuck together 
and flat against your face. 

What you want is a subtle, clean distinction. You don't want to make them too drastically different from your regular eyebrow. Here is the finished right eyebrow and the undone left.

And, here is the final result. 

Hopefully this demonstration has been helpful! It took me a while to embrace my thicker eyebrows and I like them just the way they are. ;) And Nicole - best of luck! :)


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Let Me Reintroduce Myself...

It's important to enjoy the little things in life. Most of the time, those little things are what keep you comfortable or sane or just going. Tea is one of my important little things. I'm not British; I'm from Southeastern Ohio, but I enjoy a good cup of tea more than once a day. I even read articles on how and why the Brits drink their tea. I especially enjoy a cuppa on stressful days because I'm forced to slow down, maybe just for 2 seconds, to take a sip of warming tea and a deep breath. 

My name is Christina Nicole Lass and I'll be 26 on March 8th (AHHH!). Most everyone call me Christy, the closest call me C. It took a good amount of time, and trial and error, to figure myself out. I've always been just a bit odd. Not creepy odd or irrational odd or annoying odd...just a tad bit odd. Odd in a good way, I think. I grew up watching old shows with my grandmother (Gam) and I still enjoy watching them over reality T.V. today. I'm fascinated by anything vintage and I often feel I was born in the wrong era. Frankly, I wish men still wore top hats and women wore dresses and red lipstick all the time. Oh well, I make due and hang out in antique stores. I am going to be and do what makes me happy. I'll just continuously pretend I live 100 to 50 years ago. 

There are obviously many more things about me, but we'll get to that as we go. ;)

Now, onto what I would like to focus on in this blog. I want to be able to talk about being a lady in the 21st century. I want to express the importance of being different and unique. If I get questions I'll do my best to answer/demonstrate them. If nothing else I want this blog to showcase what I enjoy and why I enjoy them because knowing what makes you happy is important. 

Have a spectacular day. 
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