
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Femininity: My Top 5 Hair And Body Products!

The summer months are upon us and so is the heat! Not only do us gals want to look our best, we want to feel our best as well. I chose 5 of my favorite products (and it wasn't easy to narrow down) to keep you cool and carefree this summer. 

I definitely believe these are my ultimate favorites and I just can't help but share them with you. Now - let me discuss each one individually so you know exactly why I chose these 5. :)

1. Victoria's Secret Smoothing Body Scrub. I swear by this stuff. The company didn't have it for a while and I was shocked and ecstatic when I saw it had returned. This is definitely the best body scrub I have ever used. Once a week I'll use it over my entire body, but mostly I stick to shaving with it. Trust me, you're legs (and other parts) will thank you! It also gives you enough lather so there is no need for shaving cream. 

2. St. Ives Skin Renewing Lotion. Everyone is always striving to look younger. So companies make products, like foundation and lotion, that promise you younger looking skin in just a few weeks. I'm not saying I buy any of it, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to try it. Especially if it won't cost you an arm and a leg and a hole in your wallet. I bought this lotion not only because of what it claims to do, but because it smells SO GOOD. I wear perfume so if I get a big bottle of lotion, I don't want the two different smells to clash. This is a great mild, fresh smell. No matter what type you purchase, lotion, in general, is good to have. 

3. Neutrogena's Healthy Skin Radiance Cream. It's important to have a good moisturizer. It's also important to know what type of skin you have. I have combination skin. Oily in some areas, dry in others. I like this moisturizer because it helps even out your skin tone and deliver just enough moisture to keep my skin comfortable. 

4. Nexxus' Humectress Luxe Leave - In Hair Conditioner. I love Nexxus products but I'm also a little cheap. Their Humectress conditioner is great at softening and smoothing out your hair AND it helps with static electricity. I buy this leave - in conditioner so that I can use cheaper volumizing conditioners and still get the Nexxus end result. In general I do recommend any Nexxus products.

5. Victoria's Secret Fresh Glow Luminous Cooling Mist. This is a new item at my beloved Vicky's Secret. They have 5 or 6 different perfumes in this spray. I, unfortunately, buy their Noir perfume and they didn't have it in this mist. I went with the Very Sexy: Touch. It smells awesome and leaves flecks of shimmery goldness all over your body. This is great if you want to look like a goddess in the sun or for some extra sexy when you hit the town at night. I LOVE this mist. 

Alright, folks! That completes my list! As always, I hope this was helpful and at least a tab bit entertaining. I will do my best to answer any of your questions. Have fun! :)


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How To Be A Gentleman

Everyone knows the saying, "Chivalry is dead", and if you have seen Dave Chappelle's "Killing Them Softly",  you'll remember his response that women killed it (If you haven't seen his stand-up, I urge you to get your act together, please). One of the saddest thoughts that comes to my mind almost daily, is that there IS quite a shortage of chivalrous gentleman and I frankly don't understand why. 

Most of my blog entries are and will be geared towards females, but I feel I need to, on behalf of women that try to be ladies, mention what men can do to woo us and sweep us off of our feet. (No we do not like being yelled at while we're getting groceries at Walmart.)

I'm not sure if men thinks it's too difficult to think about something other than their car or abs or light beer, OR maybe they are afraid of not treating women as their equal. So, I will give some simple instructions on how to improve your relationships with others and be an all around stand up guy. 

*Before I begin with these helpful hints, I will say that I understand it can be difficult to read women. Start with basic politeness and see how she responds. Some women are obviously more feminist and others will relish in your old-fashioned tricks. Alter as needed.*

How To Be A Gentleman Towards Ladies:

  1. Open doors for her. Car doors and restaurant doors, mainly. If she automatically gets out of the car, don't stress, you'll have plenty more opportunities to step it up. 
  2. Let the lady decide where she wants to sit at the table before you sit down.
  3. Let her order first. This is a pretty big pet peeve of mine, because it is so simple. 
  4. Wait until she takes the first bite before you start eating. This one is never done. But when I have seen it, I think it's adorable.  And it's nice to make sure her food is good before you've devoured yours in one bite. 
  5. Give her your jacket. Or at least offer it. 
  6. If you are on a sidewalk taking a stroll, let her walk on the inside. It will show your protective side (and if anyone is going to trip into traffic, it should be you ;)).
  7. While out with your friends, keep her by your side and part of the conversation. It's rude to stand in front of her while you're chatting with your buddies or not realizing she has went somewhere else in the area to engage in better conversation. 
  8. If you are interested in her, pursue her. Ladies want chased, not the other way around. 
  9. Buy her flowers. Most men think flowers are pointless since they die three days later. Let me make this clear -> women DO NOT CARE how long flowers last; they just want them. Flower buying is not about you, it's about her. 
  10. If you are waiting to be seated at a restaurant and there are women standing, let them have your seat. They will probably decline, but they will thank you. DEFINITELY offer it to a pregnant woman.

Now that isn't so difficult, is it? Start with a few of those basics and work your way up. There are a few general rules, as well, for life as a gentleman.

How To Be A Gentleman In General:

  1. When pouring beverages or serving food, serve yourself last. 
  2. Wear properly fitted clothing. Who doesn't want to look their snazziest?
  3. Shake hands when meeting new people (and friends if you prefer it).
  4. Show the same amount of basic respect to everyone you encounter, whether your parent or a waiter. 
  5. Have and keep a job.
  6. Explore new hobbies that do not include 6 hours of ESPN or XBOX.
  7. Learn how to use your hands. It is always helpful to be the person that can fix a car or build a tree house. And ladies love a man that is good with his hands. 
  8. Use your manners. Please and Thank You never killed anyone.
  9. Stand up and say your goodbyes when people are leaving. It shows appreciation and respect towards your acquaintances. 
  10. Give premium liquor as a gift to men, and flowers as a gift to women. Unless, of course the woman likes liquor. :)
  11. Play fair (and fight fair if you must fight at all.)
  12. Enjoy the arts.
  13. Read. Seriously.
  14. Take pride in something. 

A little bit can always go a long way;                                    a lot can make you well rounded. 

And while you're at it, make this website a favorite - The Art Of Manliness

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